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Workers Comp Coverage Verification

Why it matters to you

If you’re a contractor and you use uninsured subcontractors on your job site:

  • You are legally liable for any injuries to that subcontractor or their employees under the state worker compensation law.
  • You will be charged premium on your policy when the policy is audited for the payroll for any uninsured subcontractors and their employees.

To protect yourself from both of these outcomes, always obtain current certificates of insurance from any subcontractor who does work for you. The valid certificate of insurance is your legal protection from liability as well as additional owed premium.

There are other supplemental tools available online for verifying whether workers’ comp coverage is in force. Some of these are listed below as an additional resource for you. Please keep in mind, these are only supplemental tools. You must obtain certificates of insurance from your subcontractors to fully protect yourself.

Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation web site
TN WC coverage verification

An even more useful tool is the NCCI mobile verification app, available in the Apple App Store as well as the Google Play store.